Ditemukan di Kalimantan (Borneo), Sumatra, dan sebagian Sulawesi, kayu ini tumbuh di hutan hujan tropis. Kayu ini digunakan dalam pembuatan lantai, decking, konstruksi berat, dan aplikasi luar ruangan.
Scientific Name : Shorea laevis
Density : Approximately 750-850 kg/m³ at 12% moisture content
Color : Yellowish-brown to light brown
Grain : Straight to slightly interlocked
Texture : Medium to coarse
Moderately durable; resistant to insects but may require treatment for outdoor use to enhance its resistance to decay
Workability : Can be challenging to work with due to its hardness; may require pre-drilling for nailing; takes stains and finishes well
Growth Time : Typically harvested between 20 to 25 years of growth